We specialise in treating trauma as part of our addiction recovery programme.
There are lots of options when treating addiction, we use a holistic approach trying to encompass physical, mental and spiritual aspects of recovery.
BlueSkies makes use of meditation therapies in much the same way massage is used. For example, mindfulness meditation can help someone in recovery relax and focus by getting their mind off the world around them.
Cognitive behavioural therapy, or CBT for short, is a proven therapy used to treat many emotional and mental health and behavioural disorders.
Art Therapy provides our clients with a different therapeutic means of expressing their thoughts and emotions through creativity.
Our therapy team believe in the value of personal expression through music. The healing process of music groups can provide a different channel for communication.
BlueSkies treatment programmes are rooted in the time-tested 12-step principle of recovery; which we have found to be very fruitful in the treatment of alcohol and drug addiction.
Trauma therapy can help clients look at the root cause of their addiction, thus treating the problem not the symptom, which helps to sustain long term recovery.
Alcohol addiction affects millions of people in Britain. According to statistics from the Alcohol Concern charity, an estimated 7.5 million Brits are unaware of the serious damage their drinking habits could be causing them. More than 9 million people consume alcohol in amounts greater than that which is generally recognised as being safe. Furthermore, alcohol consumption accounts for at least 10% of the financial cost of healthcare in Britain.
Everyone experiences what seem to be unreasonable feelings of worry or fear at some point in their lives. These feelings of anxiousness are entirely normal. For example, you might be anxious about going on a date with someone for the first time. Alternatively, perhaps you are facing mounting fear in the days leading up to a job interview. Neither of these feelings is cause for concern as long as they subside in due course. When they do not subside, the possibility of an anxiety disorder should be considered.
BlueSkies is one of a handful of drug and alcohol addiction centres that also provides services for co-dependency. Not every treatment centre offers care for co-dependency, primarily because it is not widely understood. In fact, the existence of co-dependency as a clinical disorder is still a matter of some debate. While the experts continue their research, BlueSkies is here to offer help to those in need.
Depression is an illness clinically defined as a mood disorder characterised by persistently low spirit or poor mood. The word ‘persistently’ is the key operating word in this definition. All of us go through temporary periods of sadness or poor spirits. That does not mean we are depressed. Depression involves feeling in poor spirits for extended amounts of time for weeks, months, or even years.
The results of the Opium Research 2014 Drug Survey paint a very dark picture of British drug use. According to the research, 31% of the 1,080 adults surveyed admitted to having used an illegal substance at least once. Among these, 21% said they still use illegal substances on a regular basis. Doing the maths demonstrates that as many as 7% of British adults are using illegal drugs. That says nothing of legal drugs that are also being abused.
From time to time, BlueSkies welcomes clients to our centre working through dual diagnosis situations. These types of situations are especially sensitive given their delicate nature. Furthermore, not every alcohol and drug rehabilitation centre has the resources and experience to deal with dual diagnosis. We do. Please do not hesitate to enquire if you want to know more about what we do.
The range of services offered by BlueSkies is not limited only to drugs and alcohol. We also provide recovery services for multiple eating disorders as well. Eating disorders can affect anyone regardless of sex, age or economic status. Anorexia is one of the more common eating disorders we deal with. It affects approximately one out of every 250 teenage and adult females.
Most of the discussion surrounding addiction has to do with drugs and alcohol. Yet there are behavioural addictions, such as gambling, that can be just as destructive. The good news is that gambling addiction is treatable with the right kinds of therapies. The experienced and compassionate staff at BlueSkies offers those therapies, combined with the right type of support compulsive gamblers need to overcome.
It used to be that prescription drug addiction was largely an American thing. But that is no more. The illicit use of prescription drugs in the UK has been steadily rising over the years. Perhaps you are visiting the BlueSkies website today because you, or someone you know, are abusing prescription medication. If so, we can support you through to a healthy recovery.
BlueSkies offers recovery services for a number of behavioural addictions including sex and love addiction. Although behavioural addictions are not necessarily as easily recognised as addictions to drugs or alcohol, their consequences can be just as devastating. This reality is easily seen in the lives of those with sex and love addiction, who have allowed their compulsions to consume them.
You may have heard of a common psychological disorder known as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is a disorder that frequently strikes combat veterans, accident victims and victims of violent crimes. However, did you know there is a lot more to psychological trauma than just PTSD?
Simply give us a call and we will guide you through the process.
Strict client confidentiality policy is in place.
On completing treatment we offer lifetime support for your recovery.